
Archive for the ‘School Age Program’ Category



Dear Parents and Students of Small World Pre-School.

Welcome to our new little corner of the Internet. We are just getting started with our blog where we can let you know what is going on at Small World, and you can keep in touch with your child’s adventures.

Our aim is for this site to be a better way to communicate with you our extended family, to let you know the little things like our menus, what your child might be studying in class and school dates plus the bigger things like field trips, events and snow days.

But we think the thing you might enjoy most is our ability to share pictures, from class, around the school and field trips, giving you a chance to share a little more in your child’s life, between the time you drop them off and pick them up.

So bear with us through the growing pains, we might be the experts in educating young minds, but this blog thingy is something new and there is sure to be a hiccup or two. There should be a lot of fun for all all along the way

Nickie Hammontree, Director

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